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Member Since 20 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 30 2010 08:13 AM

Nodg's '84 Mitsubishi Cordia

21 August 2010 - 05:20 AM

This is my new ride, a white 1984 Mitsubishi Cordia 5 speed hatch. Runs a rebuilt 4g62T With 30/70 lumpy cam, lowered compression, aftermarket highflow turbo running @ 14PSI (16PSI on track), Intercooler with custom pipes, cai, blowoff valve, screamer pipe, under bonnet boost controller, brass button clutch, huge front cross slotted and drilled discs, rear vr4 disc brake conversion, titanium CV joints, lowered springs and shocks, pioneer 1950UB headunit, 2 clarion amps, pioneer 6x9's in doors (annoying lol) and 15 inch pioneer sub in tall enclosed box! Probably missed a few things there but you get the picture. faster than my tuned 200KW holden vn v8 calais i owned before and fuel economy is great compared to it when not on boost all the time... Tell us what you think!