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Member Since 13 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2020 10:57 PM

In Topic: Oil Leak from Exhaust manifold on the 4G93T

17 June 2018 - 10:05 AM

Yeah I was wondering that but from looking it sounds like it’s the bottom middle bolt so not these ones?

In Topic: Oil Leak from Exhaust manifold on the 4G93T

17 June 2018 - 07:23 AM

Bumping a very old but similar topic...Anyone know what could be causing the leak pictured below on a Evo 1 4G63? This is the farthest end from the timing cover, so the leak appears to be at the top of the exhaust manifold between cylinder 3 and 4. Valve cover gaskets replaced and compression test all good and oil return line looks fine.



In Topic: Strange boost leak test results

06 December 2017 - 10:30 AM

Similar question (posting in here because I can't post any new topics for some reason?) - when doing  a boost leak test of the entire system (from Turbo inlet on) on a car with fairly aggressive cams, should you be able to build pressure without too much trouble, or will there always be enough valve overlap that air will escape past the valves regardless of position of crank?

(This might be a stupid question but just had issues trying to run a boost leak test last time I tried and wasn't sure if the compressor was crap or if all the air was escaping somewhere not obvious as there weren't any leaks apparent from the anywhere in the engine bay and only movement I could detect was air coming out the exhaust :-/)

In Topic: Evo 2 throttle body missing piece?

27 November 2017 - 10:32 AM

Thanks guys

In Topic: Evo 2 throttle body missing piece?

26 November 2017 - 10:56 AM

Posting in here because I can't post anywhere else...
(On an Evo 1)..Took the TB off to replace the shaft seals that were leaking. I also ordered a new TB gasket from Meek which is MD180361which they claim to be for Evo1-9 even though I believe the OEM part number was MD194578.

When I place the gasket it doesn't seem to be quite the right diameter and I don't get the purpose of the raised sections. It seems like it would be very easy for this gasket not to seal well. Can anyone confirm if this is definitely the correct gasket for the Evo 1 even though the diameter looks wrong and if there is any trick to get it to seal well in terms of positioning of the gasket sealer?





The one that was on there previously wasn't an OEM metal one so I'm not really sure where it came from.