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Member Since 13 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2020 10:57 PM

#323861 4g63 build advice (anything obvious I've missed?)

Posted by gerryeddie on 27 October 2015 - 02:53 AM

Well that escalated quickly lol. Love it how keeping the stock bottom end suddenly turns into a stroker kit haha.
An FP Green for the DSM might be another similar good spooling option for the 2.3L if you're willing to sacrifice top end a bit. http://www.forcedper...SMFPGREEN.html 
I've been in a 2.4L LR with a DSM FP Green and its a surprisingly good combo so I imagine 2.3L would be similar. The single scroll turbos really impact spool so you almost need to run one size lower than what a newer model Evo's get away with in order to keep good spool.

If Mark's turbo is a similar price then probably best to go with the local support though.