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Member Since 16 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2011 08:59 PM

In Topic: Turbo on 4g93t & information on lancer cc gsr

26 January 2011 - 08:37 PM

So you want to lower the power you have now? :mellow:
The series 1 lancer GSR has 141kw or about 190HP at the flywheel. (Series 2 had 145kw)
So thats about 98-106kw or about 143HP at the wheels assuming 25% drivetrain loss.

Is your car completely stock? IE same as it came out of factory?

If It is id love to see what it pulls on a dyno (both Dyno dynamics and Mainline), the whole forum would. After a service however, just so its fresh.
Dyno power runs are only around the $100 mark.

Heres the link to a spec sheet for the entire forums information:


Hi,how are you ?? Nah of course not,i want to gain a little more not to lower it down :-0. I saw me friend skyline Rb20 runs on dyno it only have 120kw on the wheels that why i thought mine will be lower :)

Yes i completely stock,other than the exhaust and the pod-filter, Im going to get a high-flow-cat and resernator coming this week.
Dyno dynamics and mainline are they in melb ?? I would love to see how my power my car produces before spending money on it. :)
Thanks for the link :)

In Topic: Turbo on 4g93t & information on lancer cc gsr

25 January 2011 - 09:57 PM

Okey...Thanks... My target is about 150hp that all

In Topic: ( Urgent ) 4g93 turbo not boosting

24 January 2011 - 04:58 AM

it could be as simple as the pin that holds the waste gate actuator arm to the waste gate flapper has rusted through.....the the arm comes off the flapper. It has happened to me once. <---- Is the same fault !! actuator arm came off.. I replace it with a bigger and thicker pin hopes it will stay there 4ever :)

Thanks to all the guys that helps :) thanks !!! Have a nice day everyone

In Topic: ( Urgent ) 4g93 turbo not boosting

23 January 2011 - 10:08 PM

I will check the cat !!

If is the turbo fault im planing to get a new turbo can i upgrade it to a slightly turbo ??

What turbo should i get ??

In Topic: ( Urgent ) 4g93 turbo not boosting

23 January 2011 - 08:50 PM

Exhaust and pod-filter is aftermarket the rest is stock ! !

Nope no vent

Nah it doesn't run rough,but is powerless is like driving a Na AWD CAR

A lancer gsr has a tdo4. Check your wastegate on your turbo by wiggling it if it moves its buggered. <---- i will try that.... thanks