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Member Since 16 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2011 08:59 PM

Turbo on 4g93t & information on lancer cc gsr

25 January 2011 - 07:55 AM

Hi,Guys is me again... how are ya ??

There's few things i need to find out and understand more about my ride :)

I've a Lancer Gsr 4g93t

There's few things i need to find out before i start planing what to do and spending :)

1: What type of turbo is on 4g93t gsr ?? Is it Td04 ?? If i get t3/t4 turbo will they fit ??

2: Anyone have any idea what is the Air/Fuel ratio is?

3:What type of manifold suit t3/t4 hybrid turbo?

4:What type of ball-bearing turbo can i use?

5:Do i need to change evo bumper to install a front mount intercooler??

6:Where can i find aftermarket parts for lancer cc gsr ?? There's not much in ebay :(
Thanks guys for all the information

( Urgent ) 4g93 turbo not boosting

23 January 2011 - 10:10 AM

Hi,how are you ?

I went for a car wash this arvo after that my car is not boosting at all ? Is It the turbo ??

What turbo is on a lancer gsr ?? Tdo4 or tdo5 ??

Does GSR use the same part as EVO 1,2,3

13 January 2011 - 07:54 AM

Hi,guys how are you ??

Few quick question:

1: Does Gsr use the same parts as evo 1,2,3 ?? Example Complete cylinder head ?

2: Suspension??

3: Can i use chip evo 1,2,3 Ecu ??

Thanks guys :0


01 January 2011 - 04:05 AM

Hi,How are you ?? Happy new year !!

1 quick question, My car start over-boosting and i cant find where the fault is... It use to hold On 15psi and now it will just go over 15psi and once it hit 20psi the whole engine cut off... feels like a big knock ....

The Fuel Consumption Thread (Comparisons and feedback)

16 September 2010 - 08:18 PM

Hi,Guys how are ya? Is it a comment for a 4g93t to use alots of fuel? Full tank will only last 280-300 on my car. Everything is stock,other than It have a Pod-filter... What should i do? Thank