Hi,Guys is me again... how are ya ??
There's few things i need to find out and understand more about my ride
I've a Lancer Gsr 4g93t
There's few things i need to find out before i start planing what to do and spending
1: What type of turbo is on 4g93t gsr ?? Is it Td04 ?? If i get t3/t4 turbo will they fit ??
2: Anyone have any idea what is the Air/Fuel ratio is?
3:What type of manifold suit t3/t4 hybrid turbo?
4:What type of ball-bearing turbo can i use?
5:Do i need to change evo bumper to install a front mount intercooler??
6:Where can i find aftermarket parts for lancer cc gsr ?? There's not much in ebay
Thanks guys for all the information
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Member Since 16 Sep 2010Offline Last Active Feb 20 2011 08:59 PM