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Member Since 22 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 10 2013 11:57 AM

In Topic: Hey from tassie!

25 September 2010 - 09:15 AM

well motor pulled down today, all looks good, head looks to have been reconditioned at some stage not long ago.
Valves should be good with a clean and relapped which should save a bit with machine costs :)
Pistons are indeed forged, still trying to figure out the brand though? Have to give them a really good clean see if theres any stamping.
Rods are possibly forged as well, once again have to check it out further.
Surprised to find a copper headgasket and the head and block have been O ringed as well :)

Motor is a VR4 motor, which ive been told has larger ports?

Will be requiring a few parts soon, unfortunatelly i cant post in the WTB thread yet to try and track down the parts :(

In Topic: many tassie locals out there? who's in for a cruise

22 September 2010 - 11:32 AM

im here fellas, will be keen once ive finished building and fitting the 4g63T VR4 motor ive just sourced to fit to my 84 GK GSR sigma :)