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hey does it do it when it cold? if it only does it when its hot i would say its one of the coils. mine done the same thing on a really hot day and hasn't done it since. i played around with in and noticed one of the coils didn't have as much spark as the other.
yeah dane its white but its got 200 000km on the clock. i'm getting a Gready computer tomorrow for it and i'll look for bigger injectors, its only got a TD04L on it also getting a e manage boost controller. also need a BOV anyone got one?
hello, i brought it from work for $1500 it was a trade in, an old lady owned it for 15years, i bumped the boost up to 12psi and thats the max i can get out of it. I've got a bigger cooler on it way so i'll fit that before i try to get more out of it. might disconnect the waste gate line lol