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Member Since 27 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 28 2012 07:27 PM

In Topic: FS: Genuine Evo 1-3 bonnet (hail damage)

18 January 2011 - 10:48 AM


In Topic: WTB / SWAP FOR MY evo 3 STUFF - Bonnet and boot lid.

03 November 2010 - 03:15 AM

pm sent...

In Topic: CC GSR parts/windows/doors

16 October 2010 - 07:25 PM

yer i guess so... i'll make some calls later... i wanna see the car first...
any pics available??

In Topic: CC GSR parts/windows/doors

15 October 2010 - 02:21 PM

Hey mate,

would be interested in some of these parts to replace some of my worn out parts on CC Lancer 4dr...
Like the doors (would be nice to have electric windows), the bonnet (i've got a dent in the front of mine), boot lid (my paints peeling off like crazy), Front windscreen (rock hit mine and well yer...)
i thought that'd it'd be pretty inconvenient and expensive if u were to post those parts over to me in Perth, so jus wondering how much it'd be to get the whole wreck over??
Also, wat colour is the car/parts?? Pics would be great . =]


In Topic: 4G?T Conversion

04 October 2010 - 12:40 PM

Jetts old GLI with VR4 conversion is back up for sale up here in Townsville!

Im pretty sure its got a fresher turbo on it and Itnow has the interior back in it!

Do a search ot "Jett" on here to find info on it!

For sale on PF Here: http://www.performan....php?t=67249654

A friend of mine has a green gsr for sale, prob get that for around 6k I think...

Thanks guys. appreciate the offers but i dont think i'll be selling my car, nor buying a gsr/evo III...
I''ll just save the cash to get my FD3S... =]