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Member Since 28 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 08 2010 07:32 AM

In Topic: Started the car up this morning and...

08 October 2010 - 03:17 AM


Posted Image

6:20am, one eye open, start the RVR and ratarrarattaatttatalklleekkeeaatatattaa, LIKE WTF?

no serious damage, just took the BRAND NEW ALERTNATOR AND A/C BELTS with it :(

pissed me off at the time, no other car to get to work in, last thing i wanted to do was get grubby that early in the morning, specially being dressed for work (blue collar).


whoa that's sucks.... :(

In Topic: the stig

08 October 2010 - 03:15 AM

he is a skinny boy , not like us well feed people :D
