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Member Since 08 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 02 2012 05:05 AM

In Topic: SIVART's CE9A Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution II GSR

02 June 2011 - 12:06 AM

Love the car Travis. Evo II's just look so great, especially with the enkeis.

Speaking of which, are you still planning to fit the magnesium 18's?

In Topic: 4GTuner Christmas Cruise 2010

16 December 2010 - 12:59 PM

What about suagr loaf reservoir cruise and lunch at yarra glen pub

We could even try and hunt down that guy who lives in the bush up there who stabbed the cop and try and claim some sort of reward.

I keep taking "the long way" home so i can see if I spot him. Vigilante time! Lol. Apparently he's a pedo, so that why he's so wanted, in addition to stabbing a member of our police. A friend of a friend narrowly avoided a home invasion from the prick by startling him (he was sneaking around the backyard).

Unfortunately, he keeps running off into the bush as soon as he's spotted... Apparently he's a VERY good runner.

Hey, if you're going near Yarra Glen or healesville, i'll pop out for sure :)

In Topic: Aftermarket throttle bodies

08 December 2010 - 11:23 AM

I'm guessing you're running an S90? i've heard a few people had trouble with them. Some people say that 70mm is too big for stock piping and is just a waste.

I'm with George. Enlarge the stockie!

In Topic: Beach meet

01 December 2010 - 05:39 AM

Can't it be sooner? :(

In Topic: What is a stock EVO 5 turbo actuator rated at?

22 November 2010 - 12:09 PM

For the record, most Cp9A's need their actuators changed around this age. Mine buggered up 3 years back, and at 90,000km.