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Member Since 27 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 16 2010 12:57 PM

ARC intake vs Gruppe M

27 October 2010 - 04:38 AM

Need your help guys. My car atm is running with a stock airbox and i'm thinking of upgrading to a better one. I'm deciding between and ARC airbox and a Gruppe M. Has anyone had experiences between the two intakes?

I've heard that the ARC airbox is good on throttle response but i'm afraid it might be affected by heat soak. On the other hand, the gruppe M is just pure carbon goodness and since the pod is covered by all that carbon, no heat soak problem there. Does gruppe M have more performance gains than ARC airbox then??

My brother swapped to a gruppe M intake on his s15 from a stock airbox and his throttle response has decreased whilst gaining top end...

Help guys??

Hello from melbourne!!

27 October 2010 - 04:24 AM

Hey everyone, my names David and recently just got my Evo VIII and loving it! I'm situated in the western suburbs of melbourne and hope to get to know some people in the upcoming events. :lol: