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Meek Automotive

Meek Automotive

Member Since 31 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2011 11:24 AM

In Topic: World Time Attack

23 May 2010 - 10:27 AM

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In Topic: Oil Temp + Oil Pressure pickup

24 November 2009 - 09:43 PM

Posted Image
We have just made these recently.
The brass fittings were always one thread out per inch.
these are the correct thread.

In Topic: I just wanted to say...

23 November 2009 - 09:55 PM

Keep my name out of it you prawn.
When the car left it was driving.
I told you i dont use dsm link.
We put a chip in the car and you didn't offer to pay to put the ecu back or take it out for that matter
You had suspension arms falling off the vehicle.
We repaired the misfire that didn't reacure after the leads and chip.
probably didnot even charge you for ecu install at all.
and we get guys every day i got this problem with my car so i have to know before they even say anything whats wrong with it.
Bullshit who do people think i am Chris Angel.
Vindictive little prawn.

Originally Posted by D3bb4 View Post
PROBLEM FOUND!!!!! (By Greg at Insight Motorsports... after meek told me it was the dsm link and faulty Evo 8 MR FPR... and replaced the dsm link with their chip and fitted evo 3 rail and FPR)

...nice timing aye?

Ignition module was farked.

what a waste of monies...

Originally Posted by Meek Automotive View Post
WTF who replaced what ecu where we put a chip in it you liar.
All we did was took out the dsm link after we told you on several times we dont tune dsm link.
I would be more worried about your steering rear rack hanging of your mobile defect.
We gave you parts for that as well.
And you told me the car went fine.
Didn't hear from you in a year and now your module dies and its my responsibility?

Hey Chris, I didn't see anywhere in this thread where it says it's your responsibility.

This isn't the place for squabbling, so please- if you have any beef, can you take it to pm.....


In Topic: Weird issue - hesitation/misfire, then boost.

23 November 2009 - 07:18 AM

WTF who replaced what ecu where we put a chip in it you liar.
All we did was took out the dsm link after we told you on several times we dont tune dsm link.
I would be more worried about your steering rear rack hanging of your mobile defect.
We gave you parts for that as well.
And you told me the car went fine.
Didn't hear from you in a year and now your module dies and its my responsibility?