Nooo, we don't have stop signs
We've got Dodge Colts/Mitsubishi Mirages here, 4 Door, which looks like the same chassis.
Okay, seems like most of you think its the MPI.
I dont have a aftermarket regulator, therefore i'll have to rig something for fuel pressure.
I've gone through everything in the engine bay, the car is really clean, all the contacts looked new. I've checked all the wiring.
I'm suspecting fuel, the plugs are bone dry when cranking, no smell of fuel, and i cant hear the pump priming (this is within those 20 seconds)
Noticed that some electric components in the engine bay arnt getting power for those 20 seconds.
Not the same in the cab, everything working upon ignition (ie stereo, climate, cluster, turbo timer.)
The car runs fine once started, no idle issues.
Its the first 20 seconds with the igniton in the "ON" position that the car won't start, with cranking.
After those 20 seconds, it fires up. I just cant seem to understand how I will find the issue since its intermittent.
Like a fuse or relay (something) wont do its thing for that time frame.
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Member Since 05 Nov 2010Offline Last Active Sep 01 2012 02:34 PM