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Member Since 05 Nov 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2012 02:34 PM

Strange Electrical issue

02 November 2011 - 12:45 AM

Got a 92 Evo 1 GSR. Couple weeks ago after a lowmotion (local forum) ride and stopping at a shell for fuel, I go to start the car and it simply cranks, but does NOT fire up. I keep trying, after about 20 Seconds or so of cranking, the engine fires up! Note that driving conditions seem normal when on the road.

I've so far have been able to start the car around this issue by...
Turning the key into the on position, wait for the check engine light, cat warning light, and turbo light to go off (sometimes up to 20 seconds) leaving only the oil pressure light and battery light remaining. Then the car fires right up, upon ignition, this is both warm and cold.

I've noticed the ISC (Idle Speed Controller) has not been getting power until those cluster lights go out, and the ISC is not the culprit since its the same story with a different one. So starter is getting power, but not the top of the engine I.e no spark.

I've also noticed that after shutting the power off (i.e turning the ignition off) or shutting the car down. There is a click, from behind or underneath the stereo. If the ignition is turn back on before this click, the car starts fine, if after the click, the car will only crank and not fire up for 20 seconds.

could be a bad ground, relay, fuse, but before i spend countless hours investigating maybe someone had this issue before.
any guidance or help would be appreciated.

Coolant lines diagram

05 July 2011 - 12:59 PM

Need some help with the jap spec evo 1, I keep blowing coolant lines and need to replace them ALL.
I've tried matching the lines up with DSM coolant diagram but they are not the same. Any possibility any of you guys have specific diagram for the evo.


Rear lower control arms (CD9A)

13 June 2011 - 01:46 PM

I'm in a bit of a pickle getting some rear lower control arms for the Evo 1, joints in them are pretty worn and might aswell swap in some new ones before the alignment. I've found them on camskill and meek sells them, but they won't ship out to Canada.

I've had no luck on ebay, nor locally.
Any suggestions on alternative part numbers such as MOOG or TRV?

*I know colts and mirage have similar arms, but they've got bushes in them not rose joints and they have no swaybar link mount area as far as I know.


Replacement Glass

29 April 2011 - 09:19 PM

Guys, had the evo 1 broken into the other night... Need the rear passenger quarter glass...


Just wondering if someone know, if locally I can get it (Canada)

IF not, maybe someone can ship one out to me..

Lower Control Arm (trailing arm)

10 April 2011 - 04:50 PM

Been trying to get the small lower control arm off and replaced, the issue lies within the bolt. By the looks of it the bolt is seized to the sleeve and there is no way of knocking it out. Tired soaking it in PB blaster, and have taken the propane torch to it. anyone go through this?