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nice as

nice as

Member Since 17 Nov 2010
Offline Last Active May 20 2011 08:46 AM

In Topic: eBay / Carsales / Tradingpost Car Sightings

19 April 2011 - 07:09 AM


Not sure if posted as I've noticed its been up a few times lately and a good 6 months ago or there abouts.

Good pick up for someone who is a DIY builder.

In Topic: SyKRyD

25 November 2010 - 12:14 AM

Love it man I'm not to keen on the front bar but it doesnt bother me one bit as the rest makes up for it !!!

Although we need to have a contract agreement for our 2 cars not to be next to each other in a thread as it makes mine a pos :angry:

In Topic: 4G93T CE Coupe

23 November 2010 - 09:05 AM

10/10 for having a go mate!!

The car looks good in the pics, only bad thing about it is those tail lights!!
Be prepared to hear it for them they aren't to popular on here!!!
Bet you can't wait to drive the car, will be interesting to hear how it goes....

Yer thats the good thing about my camera its not good enough to show all the bad stuff up lol. Cant wait to get it on road seems all I've done since I got it is worked on it few times there I thought it was all too much.

Yer its cool I know most people hate non-factory lights I usually do too. I saw them on a mates lancer DVS45 and liked them ever since although when I bought these lights the car was intended to be Matte Black to match it so looks ricey on a bright colour.

nice mate do u live in morayfield ????? i thinkt thats where i seen it when it was green

Nar I'm south brisbane champ but car was from north brisbane

In Topic: 2010 T4G QLD XMAS Cruise II

23 November 2010 - 06:35 AM

I'd be in for a cruise although Sundays I work..

Is there places that you guys meet up at during week nights in bris or gold coast?

In Topic: 4G93T CE Coupe

23 November 2010 - 06:24 AM

So the car is now flat blue and engine bay is gloss black still chasing up a standard bonnet.

Its a bit of a pig as it was my first time painting lots of streaking and imperfections but hopefully soon have some coin to get spray painter to finish properly..

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The colour is hard to get with my camera as in the shade its more a green colour but in full sun pretty bright at the moment as only has 1-2 coats on it..

All this has happen over last 4-5 months and I'm yet to modplate it and get RWC to drive it . Have to find standard bov and plumb it back and get some gsr brakes.

It not a power house like most I have read here but should be fun.