Thanks Diesti for info I will look into the turbo suggested and see where to go from there.
K33P UP, thanks for the welcome. Believe me you will be getting some calls as no one knows Te car better than you. The mods you mentioned are a definate especially to help push some more paower. My old GSR EATUUP some great ad oms such as the External pump etc. Now that you have gone to the dark side and bought yourself a skyline what's in Te pipeline for that? Also are you still coming down to Sydney? We should catch up for a nice night out.
TMAK thanks for the welcome, glad to here you remember EATUUP from so long ago, it's been about 8 years since I had that car and I bought it in 1998 with only 5k on the clock. Yeah the new baby will be very looked after, it's been a long awaited journey to find one to purchase. You from Sydney?
SIVART, lol don't you worry I will be taking her out for plenty of arse whipping.
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