okay guys well im starting to buy bites for the turbo conversion on my 2006 2.4L lancer. someone on another forum "LWNSLW" has informed me that the 4G63T head from an evo 4-9 will drop right onto the 4G69 block.
there are no after market turbo manifolds etc for this model and the stock ecu cant be used (being designed purely for N/A)
now i have 2 options:
- find complete evo head ,ecu, afm, etc and use that. (the downside is im not sure if the evo ecu will work propperly as the cylinders are bigger.. could it be reflashed? (im guessing it wud work the same as having a stroked 2.4L 4G63?)
- use stock head, aftermarket haltech EMS which will cost around $1500 for this model cut and weld a new flange on the evo turbo manifold.
wich way would be the best way and the most cost effective way?
im looking to complete the whole build for under $5000..
some advice would be greatly appreciated!
thanks guys!
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