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Member Since 19 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2012 03:11 AM

In Topic: I'm coming!!!

20 April 2011 - 10:37 AM

should be free on friday night

In Topic: Small Gathering Easter?

20 April 2011 - 10:36 AM

This friday night should be fine for me. I drive a sigma though :P

In Topic: GJ Sigma

23 December 2010 - 08:59 AM

The 4g54 is a good torque motor,but the only problem as you would have noticed is that it is not a rev happy motor.My old 2.6 could take of in 2nd gear real easy ,but only seemed to have power till 4500-5000rpm ,with a cam i got it to 5500rpm.Its great that you got the rare twin carb manifold, when we only had the single manifolds we used to grab the XF falcons weber carbs.They were a 34/34 butturfly but way bigger venturis than the 28/36 weber ,plus had the fuel cut solonoid and also faced the right way round on the float.

Are you running the later model head? eg.magna or GN sigma,big improvement on power and driveability.
Also go the scorpion diff if you havent yet,straight bolt in with all the suspension arms of the scorpion as well and is a lot stronger than the borg warner.my mate with the 2.6 sigma and turbo fitted did 12.6 quarters with the scorpion diff and no problems.

You are absolutely correct. Not really rev happy but it sure takes off faster than a lot of cars + makes a hell of a lot of noise :P
Im running the factory head (astron I), its been skimmed 1mm off which gave a noticeable improvement to power. Dont plan to change heads to the magna head yet as most of the dosh goes towards my Cressida.
I never knew the scorp diff was actually better, I will certainly do that if I supercharge the car :thumbsup:
Its got a Jap box though, much better than the borg warner. I just need a new clutch at the moment as its just about burned out right now lol.

i would like to see your cressida and corolla too buddy........

Heres a few pics of the cressida and corolla.

Cressida is around 85% complete, not running yet but nearlly there. Has a 2JZGTE from an Aristo. Just need to finish off a bit of wiring and install all the BPU mods. All the hard stuff including conversion to manual using the r154, custom fabrication has been completed.
Corolla is not running yet, has a 4AGZE that will be converted to run turbo instead. Only needs ECU wired in to get running. Need to get it on the road though (rego and rwc) so will make it run NA first using a Haltech E6X.

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I have the corolla up for sale though. 3 modified cars is a bit overwhelming sometimes, + need to get my Cressida going with optimal equipment. Im not a short cut person :D

In Topic: GJ Sigma

22 December 2010 - 06:59 AM

Theres quite a bit of people that chuck the 4g63 from the galant into sigmas too. Love the astrons though, probably the biggest 4 cylinder going around lol

In Topic: GJ Sigma

20 December 2010 - 12:40 AM

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