Hi people,
This is one of my cars and its a 1982 GJ Sigma. I drive it as my daily. Has the Astron I 4g54 engine with a 5 speed Jap gearbox. Its got a range of modifications just to name a few;
-Stage 3 crow cam
-double valve springs
-skimmed head, should give around 9:5 compression or more
-twin downdraft solex mikuni carbies
-full 2.5" exhaust
No major plans for it at the moment but later on down the track I want to build a 4g54 with a big supercharger retaining the carburetor configuration. Imo old cars should keep to their generation.
Recently, Ive put in a big sound system using all the spare audio gear in my cupboard and its been well worth it
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Member Since 19 Dec 2010Offline Last Active Jun 12 2012 03:11 AM