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Starion VR4 Derek

Starion VR4 Derek

Member Since 21 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2024 10:31 AM

In Topic: WTB: RVR Trans mount

15 March 2020 - 06:50 AM

Brock 4 what? Does it fit yr Vr4?

In Topic: Any known manual transmission wrecking models anywhere?

03 January 2020 - 08:21 AM



Im considering buying a 1997 RVR Hyper Sport Fear R, and im just wondering if anyone has or knows of someone who has a manual transmission for one of these?


If you do, please message me ASAP, trying to source this specific part





You might be in luck... I may know someone with 1..... Waitout

In Topic: Drive shaft upgrades?

22 May 2019 - 05:08 PM

One question I would be asking, has he modified the suspension lift & travel? The reason is he maybe binding the CV at full droop? Which will destroy it pretty quick.

In Topic: Gearbox headache.

13 April 2019 - 10:12 PM

Woo Hoo, I think I have found the problem. The reverse/5th gear shift rail is turned a little more to the left by the steel shift fork off a W5M33 box. I will come up/out to select 5th but won't go through the slot in the gear-change lever down/in to select reverse. I will hit it with a flapper wheel tomorrow to narrow the tongue. Shit I hope I am right. HA!!




How did you go Ross?