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Starion VR4 Derek

Starion VR4 Derek

Member Since 21 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2024 10:31 AM

#342601 Drive shaft upgrades?

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 22 May 2019 - 05:08 PM

One question I would be asking, has he modified the suspension lift & travel? The reason is he maybe binding the CV at full droop? Which will destroy it pretty quick.

  • ted likes this

#339570 RVR HSGR - Maverick Jr

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 30 November 2017 - 06:14 AM

I also believe ill be coming into a spare rvr shell very soon so hopefully it has a passable rear bar to chop up.



Taz i know of a Black one in Brisbane, EVOiii Front Struts in it , no Running Gear or Interior.. Think you can get it for $200-300... pm me if you want  to know about it..




#339269 First build parts

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 01 November 2017 - 10:01 AM

Score...!!!! now 999999 parts to go!

#338530 evo 5 reliable boost pressure

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 22 August 2017 - 09:01 AM

17Psi.... You pussy! You can easy run 20PSI while the weather is cool. You have a knock sensor system so Will protect it!

#337724 RVR HSGR - Maverick Jr

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 29 June 2017 - 06:53 PM

So as per dereks advice i checked the system to be sure it was all in check and what do you know, clutch master was out by a literal half turn, which was the difference between open and shut on bleeder. something so simple and easy to oversight. took for a quick spin warm and sure enough, problem solved. Still eventually upgrading clutches with new turbo BUT that has been pushed WAY down the priority list now thankfully and its another thing i dont NEED to address. Thanks Derek, saved a lot of heartache. 



Thank god it was an easy fix, Glad to of helped. :thumbsup: :ph34r2: :cheers:

#337707 RVR HSGR - Maverick Jr

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 29 June 2017 - 07:05 AM

Either way box has gotta come out and I'm not doing it all to put a no name brand clutch back in on the off chance it's not the cutch itself. Should of just bit the bullet and put quality in there to begin with.

 Taz mate, even a N/A clutch should hold some boost, mate just check the hydraulic system..





Simpler video.....but the one above is a better one.




Check for air as well..



  • Taz likes this

#336896 old u/s VR4 4g63 block

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 27 April 2017 - 10:43 AM

I have a 4G63 NA block with a SOHC head on it, from what I believe is an Express van.


Not a VR4 block but should be identical in almost every way (except for the lack of oil squirters).



Not the same,the bellhousing bolt patten is wider.... EG wide block, narrow block... all VR4 blocks are narrow.

#336607 FS: Random mitsubishi stuff

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 04 April 2017 - 09:42 AM

Well that maybe true .... if your on a Desk Top.. but when viewing in Android it doesn't show up....... DOES IT.



That seams pretty calm to me ....pull your head in.. before the mods knock it off

#336002 Possibly need part picked up an posted from Brisbane

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 03 March 2017 - 08:51 PM

Hey man I work at Balmoral of you need it collected etc...

#332727 Wolf 3D Set-Up Headaches!

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 29 August 2016 - 06:25 PM

Why is your trigger reset off? It needs to be able to set it self to 0 when it knows it has done a full revolution.

#329791 Slotted Polyurethane Mad Polly Engine Mounts now ready

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 06 May 2016 - 10:50 PM

Dude these look sweet!
I've vr4 rear subframe, mustache and front subframe bushes (I think) which you can copy from like you did with the engine mounts if you want Lars.



Lars I can drop mine out if required as well, I will need a set for it at well


The big engine mount on passenger side sends the most vibrations to the cabin, at least from what I have found... 


+2 on this, can get them from the USA, but rather keep the $$$ flow in Aust. 


+3 on this.... I would like to support Oz product as well.

#329702 Slotted Polyurethane Mad Polly Engine Mounts now ready

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 04 May 2016 - 11:21 PM

Hi Derek, no problem, next time you come down to the Goldy just drop by in Mudgeeraba


Awesome... Thanks. Will PM ya for an address when I'm ready. Probably next week

#329700 Slotted Polyurethane Mad Polly Engine Mounts now ready

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 04 May 2016 - 11:01 PM

Not really sure, but I think solid in the Gearbox is ok, solid on front lower mount is ok, slotted on the rear & slotted on the upper torque would be what I would be looking for.

#329179 DIY - Engine Mount Replacement Video - Have a laugh at my expense!!

Posted by Starion VR4 Derek on 16 April 2016 - 05:55 PM

Cheers Derek... It takes a bit more time than that video tho... Editing does amazing things ;) What sort of car do you have?



1990 VR4, in the process of rebuilding it, just finished the 2.4L engine, rebuilt the Front Hub's, Front Brakes, Rebuilding the TailShaft & Transfer. Interior removed as mold started from sitting outside. It has been off the road for 5 years.... & all from a broken Clutch Fork.  Then Son #2 raiding it for parts, turbo, manifold then the Head... sadly his was destroyed when the Flywheel exploded at 7000+ RPM. Hope to have mine going in a month or two.