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Member Since 08 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 08 2019 08:10 AM

Engine Noises

20 April 2019 - 09:54 PM

So about 6 months ago i noticed my engine would make bad grinding type noises when it got warm and after only having done 13k kms on the engine and life happening I decided to let the car sit for a while.

Fast forward to yesterday, i pulled the timing covers off to find alot of brownish dust under the covers and part of a tooth had broken off my crank sprocket and there were some small chunks out of the cover of the other sprocket.

Is this what i dread most or something a little more simple?


Thanks in advance.

Torquing spark plugs.

30 June 2018 - 10:44 PM

The manual say 25nm but only my micrometer goes 25nm is there a trick to adapt a sparkplug socket to 1/4 drive?