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Member Since 16 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 01 2012 09:09 PM

In Topic: The Townsville 4GT members "Official" Chat thread.

22 January 2012 - 03:19 AM

Will try to get down. Busy Aust Day and son may be flying in on Sunday but post times and will see.
Thanks for invite.

In Topic: The Townsville 4GT members "Official" Chat thread.

01 January 2012 - 03:09 AM

seen two red gsr's yesterday the first one im pretty sure was reddogs on here sounded pretty tuff and the second im pretty sure was another member on here the one with the forged engine anyway sucks cause i wasnt in mine so if the weather is permitting will give mine a bath and take it for a cruise.

twas more than likely my car but would have been the son from Brissie driving it...he was the one that found it for sale. Says
I drive it too slow :) so had to take it for a run to clean out the pipes.

In Topic: Newbie Help Needed

24 October 2011 - 08:23 AM

I know it's a bit late but got an old Gsr wreck and a sedan for parts if your keen on anything

Thanks but is a bit late.
Got all I need but will pass your name onto to others who may need some things

In Topic: FS: genuine evo 2 front bar and bonnet

04 October 2011 - 09:39 AM

front bar arrived Monday.
all good.
thanks for the effort and service

In Topic: Newbie Help Needed

27 September 2011 - 10:31 AM

It's got evo 3 door trims, not gsr. So unfortunately proton are no good.