I figured I should join the party and open a thread about the car with a little bit of info, and use it to dump photo's of it when I get around to shooting it.
I'm the original Aussie owner of the vehicle. Purchased it about 5 years ago to replace my R32 Gts't. I was looking for either a mint R32 GTR, or a bayside blue R34 GTT at the time. After driving a few Gtt's I decided it was more of a sideways step instead of a real upgrade, and after test driving an Evo the decision was made.
After shopping around for a while, doing some homework and looking at a stack of cars I found one I really liked that had just landed from Japan. It was completely stock and in great condition with about 30,000km on the clock.
The car stayed stock for ages, I was busy saving for camera gear and a house deposit. I still took it to the track and it's performance for a stocker was amazing. I loved it. The only initial mod was fitting a heavy duty clutch and tidying some things up, like brake calipers and a few other little minor bits and pieces.
like my decepticon badge (every car I've owned has a decepticon logo on it somewhere.)
After a while I got sick of the stock look, I had the house deposit done, I had enough gear to get more serious about shooting, so I recently started making a few additions to the car. (If I don't sell it, there's some engine mods on the way soon too)
I sourced a set of CE28N's for the car. Wrapped in Yokohama's awesome AD08 rubber. Such a rad tyre.
Also added a Carbon lip to the front, and replaced the rear bar with an Evo 9 version.
As of now...
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