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Member Since 09 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 06 2007 07:54 AM

In Topic: Ryan's Evo IV

12 December 2006 - 05:44 AM

Best IV I've ever seen. Seriously!

In Topic: EnvyIt

10 December 2006 - 11:51 PM

One Word.... RESPECT! that is a great build up mate. Congrats on the power figures

In Topic: What is the Definition of a "STOCK" bottom end?

10 December 2006 - 02:54 AM

My definition of stock, is an untouched bottom end, untouched head. Stock is pretty much never opening the engine up for any modification and only gaining performance from bolt on parts and management upgrades.

In my opinion.

In Topic: Look what I found at work today :P

09 December 2006 - 02:05 PM

Looks great. They both do

In Topic: 4g63 to be no more...

08 December 2006 - 04:56 AM

I think after 10 generations of Evolution, the only thing that hasn't evolved is that engine type. So bring it on Mitsubishi, I'm sure the next engine will be just as regarded as the 4G63