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Evo IX Lover

Evo IX Lover

Member Since 04 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2011 09:02 AM

Grumpy's IX

14 September 2011 - 07:43 AM

Hi All, I would like to introduce my Red Devil. 2005 Evolution 9.
These were all taken the day that I picked up my car. :w00t:

Current Mods include:
3" TBE with Nvidia dump
LICP from Plazmaman
K&N drop in filter
Grimmspeed 3-port boost controller
Single Walbro fuel pump
17" Rays Engineering forged rims

Future mods:
20G turbo
Crower 272 exhaust cam
FIC 1050cc injectors
E85 tune :drool:

I currently tune my own car and have the dual maps set up ready for the next phase :thumbsup:

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Hi All

14 September 2011 - 07:16 AM

Hi, my name is Andre, nickname Grumpy, I live in Brisbane Australia. I joined up about 6 months ago when I was first thinking of buying an Evo but has never posted, I suppose now is a good time start. I own a 2005 Evo 9, red one, because red cars are faster ;) , she is fairly stockish at the moment but that will soon change. I enjoy to go for spirited drives on the weekends and I love to do some quarters as well. I have yet to run a quarter so no times as yet!

Glad to have join up and hope to have a lot of fun on here and maybe be of some assistance as well.:rolleyes: