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Member Since 12 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 05 2013 11:26 AM

In Topic: 1995 Lancer GSR w/EVOII conversion - pics now added

07 March 2013 - 10:16 PM

Thanks. I have a good feeling the new owner will take good care of it. It was a steal for the price I was asking.

In Topic: 1995 Lancer GSR w/EVOII conversion - pics now added

07 March 2013 - 11:13 AM

Sold :) Goodbye my old friend. I'll definitely miss you.

In Topic: 1995 Lancer GSR w/EVOII conversion - pics now added

26 February 2013 - 10:25 AM

I can vouch for this car. Im an advocate for Sleepers and this is the Perfect Sleeper.

Ive also done some maintenance for Chris on this GSR and can assure the buyer, you're getting alot of car for the asking price.

Good luck with the sale Chris. Hope its a painless transaction.


Thanks Chris :)

In Topic: 93 lancer gsr built 1.8ltr

22 February 2013 - 10:25 PM

yea i understanding what you guys are saying, but i cant have a car sitting around that i dont want anymore i dont want to spend money on it. sounds pointless.i mean 5k isnt alot but it will still help, ive always wanted a evo 8 or 9 )( dream car) id rather have that as a project car

Reading this thread makes me wonder. Sometimes I think we think about cars way too much. Most people keep a decision to buy or sell simple but we complicate things.

All I can say is that while you have your car, enjoy it. I was in a similar boat to you when my 1.8 motor failed, I started with the 4g63 conversion and halfway through I was pouring so much moeny into the thing I was regretting it. After doing the work though I must admit it has been one of the best cars I've owned. I own both a modded CC GSR and an EVO VIII MR and there are elements of the GSR which I love so much more than the Evo. It feels so much lighter, more nimble and generally has more character if that makes any sense at all.

In Topic: WTB - Bolt for Evo II A/C Belt Tensioner

01 October 2012 - 02:16 AM

Cheers. All sorted.

Thanks Jamo.