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Member Since 12 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 05 2013 11:26 AM

For Sale - Lancer GSR Bonnet

05 April 2013 - 07:59 AM

GSR bonnet for sale. $50 no offers. Pickup from Deer Park area (Melbourne Western Suburbs) only. In good condition. Ribbing under bonnet cut to fit 4g63 motor. PM me if interested. Pics below:Posted Image Posted Image

1995 Lancer GSR w/EVOII conversion - pics now added

19 February 2013 - 11:29 AM

It's time to sell my GSR.

Unfortunately I need something a little more practical to get to work in the city every day. Pretty sad actually and I'm torn between selling this or my Evo VIII MR.

Bought the car from a 60 year old guy a year or two ago and he owned it since almost brand new. Unfortunately he did some major repairs to the 4G93T before selling it and some fool put too much timing in the motor which caused big end bearing issues. Rather than rebuilding the 4G93T I purchased an EVOII motor from (2much) and from there the spending started......Car has done 26x,xxx kms.
  • Genuine Evo II motor fitted
  • Managed to source and install the factory A/C
  • 264/272 cams (don't know what brand they are as I already bought the motor with the cams installed and there's been no need to open it and take a look)
  • 3 inch exhaust
  • Custom Intake, dump pipe work with a Evo VIII MR intercooler fitted behind factory front bar
  • Genuine Evo bonnet painted and fitted
  • Upgraded turbo (I think it's a 20G - I got the turbo built a loooong time ago) with upgraded housing and comp cover which was done by ATP. Wastegate ported for boost control.
  • Bosch ID1000 injectors (E85 ready)
  • Walbro in-tank fuel pump good for 300kw atw on E85
  • ECMLink
  • HKS EBC fitted in glovebox
  • Koni shocks
  • Changed oil/filter every 5000 kms
  • Done tons of bits and pieces and I can't even remember all of it!
  • Tuned for 98 Octane fuel by Springy Motors. 200kw atw @ 20psi - a conservative tune for daily driving.
Now to be honest the issues I can think of with the car are as follows:
  • Roof rust now starting to show
  • Car has tendency to stall until car is at normal operating temperature (tune needs to be cleaned up a little - I haven't had a chance to get it sorted)
  • Paint has chipped off rear bar and it needs to be re-aligned.
Apart from cold starting and cranking a few times on cold mornings and apart from being a little on the loud side it's a great car to drive. Gears shift smoothly, clutch is smooth and it's generally an easy car to drive. Looks as stock as possible so I don't draw attention to the car.

There will be no test piloting. Only serious buyers will be able to drive the car once putting a deposit down.

$6k. No RWC. No low balling please. Rego expires in April.

Cheers, Chris. Call or text on 0403 991 553.

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WTB - Bolt for Evo II A/C Belt Tensioner

01 October 2012 - 01:32 AM

I purchased an a/c unit for my Lancer GSR with Evo II motor install, but while installing it I've noticed the bolt for the A/C belt tensioner is missing.

Can anybody help me out here? This could be a tough one!
