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Member Since 12 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 29 2012 01:53 AM

In Topic: Ecu Socketting

04 April 2012 - 03:18 AM

i can indeed flash the chips and socket the ecus but nowadays it's smarter to go with evo 5/6 ecu, and have all the dual maps, map switching, reflashability, CEL flash on knock ready to plug and play for $300, rather than ecmlink for like 450 + socketing costs etc. you would recoup most of that 300 from selling your stock ecu anyway.

In Topic: Moving House Sale - BUY MY PARTS :P

28 March 2012 - 12:29 AM

My bad. It is indeed 3 plugs cause it's missing the reflash plug. However the three plugs will only fit into a four plug later model ecu with the spare one being used for obdii wiring. The newer three plugs use AMP plugs and are completely differently. Said 4 plug by accident cause the ones I tune and changed the ecus on are all 4 plugs now.

Side note I want that head can you please SMS me on 0433535240

In Topic: Moving House Sale - BUY MY PARTS :P

23 March 2012 - 05:34 AM

hanger won't fit 5/6, interested in the head, any pics? how much to ship to melbourne.

baz, you trying to use the 8mr in a vr4? cause the ecu is 3 plug whereas the vr4/cc's are 4 plug, need 5/6 ecu.

In Topic: evo 5 ecu into early model evo working!

09 July 2011 - 10:15 AM

Yes it would plug straight in but at the moment only have the scaling for Evo maf/injector combo so you would have to find someone to tune it for you in qld unless you go Evo injectors and maf in which case I have a pretty good custom map for

In Topic: evo 5 ecu into early model evo working!

09 July 2011 - 12:14 AM

Thanks for the kind words guys, just wanted to clear some things up, 300 for a complete plug an play flashable ecu not just a harness.. Also power fc has nothing on the later model ecus, slower processor, less functions, no active knock control, no switchable maps or anything of the sort. Stock ecu even drives smoother due to the faster ecu.
The evo5/6 can in fact drive any of the 3 port solenoids used on evos and does a very good job of it too. E7 ecu used to be the go but now the e5/e6 ecus can do the same job at a lot cheaper price. Have done ecmlinks and have to say I prefer the e5 ecu