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Yeah the plate's are a nice touch. I accidently got lead into the "spit" once ( i never go there so i never knew where it was and never will return ) and everyone kept yellin out the plates as i went past, and then i get alot of people who just dont get it.
As for the brakes, There standard GSR at the moment.
Looking into an upgrade at the moment actualy. Car's been parked in the shed for about 2 weeks now waiting to get brake's done. Still haven't decided which way to go but i am thinking VR4 setup would be good for what i use it for.
I dont take it to the track nor will i ever i dont think, Maybe once to see what 1/4 time i can pull.
As for the BOV it has no effect to performance or ventilation issues, Just trying to keep everything legal using the factory plumbing holes etc. Without going over the top in the engine bay making it a rice/defect festival.
As for the radiator. It's not new, It's been flushed etc. Car always runs anti freeze/boil coolant and im quite particular when it comes to detail. I get in there with soapy water and a rag and clean the engine bay after i was the car >.> so everything just appear's to be brand new, Hell i even use mt franklen minteral water in the window washer bottle haha.
Any suggestions to modifications and change's are more then welcome. Knowledge is never-ending!