I have a few things for sale. All items are located in Picton NSW (about 25 mins South of Campbelltown or 35 mins West of Wollongong). Any questions feel free to ask, I work shift work so sometimes I can't answer promptly.
# Item; EVO III rear diff
Condition; I bought this diff as a spare and never used it. One diff cover bolt is bent and has a small amount of backlash between the pinion and crown wheel. It has 11 pinion teeth and 43 crown wheel teeth making it a 3.909:1 ratio with a plated centre.
Price; $475
# Item; JE Pistons, Part # 297511, 85.5mm Bore, for 7 bolt crank
# Item; EVO III copy rear wing
Condition; It is a F/G copy painted red. There is a crack on the L/H side as per pics and has paint chips, would suit repairing and repainting. This is not attached to the boot, it is just there for the photo.
Price; $80
# Item; CC GSR rolling shell
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