Hey there guy's !
I have just recently got around too buying a new car , roughly about 3 week's ago! Just been too lazy too make a post or even take some picture's!
The spec's arent that crazy , it's got a fully built engine by Jeff at Tech//Sport which consists of a 2.3 stroker kit , evo 9 hi-flowed turbo which was done by GCG. Camshafts etc etc
As far as Im aware it's putting out 240kw at all four on 1.6 bar. Though i'd like to re-dyno it and see it's torque delivery.
It has a great power delivery which is perfect for getting out of corners !
Some plans for it in the near future and a set of Enkei RPF1's in 17x9+22 , re-tune with ethanol , some carbon fibre goodies and just a nice good clean detail (cut + polish) Being a painter I can't be arsed doing it!
Here are a couple pictute's from carsales.com , though I will take some over the weekend once time is available!
Hope you enjoy and I am looking forward to catching up with you guy's again! Its been 4 year's too long without a Evo!
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