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Member Since 16 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2014 06:10 AM

In Topic: 1993 1.8 GSR No RWC with extras, Brisbane QLD

20 March 2013 - 10:01 AM

might need to clarify...
Car for sale is a GSR genuine have REVS cert. basically the GL had all the good stuff in it was good for cruising and down the quater did a 14.5.
then had a few issues like heater core gone and clutch problems. caused from firewall being torn out by master cylinder. So bought a GSR shell and we swapped the running gear and motor in but couldn't finish. So I'm offering to sell them exclusively here on 4tuner only.
As you guys are the true Mitsubishi enthusiasts like myself.
pretty much i'd like to have someone buy what i have that will be able to do what i couldn't. I really love my car and this is a hard but necessary choice to make.
Don't hesitate to ask about anything, i'm happy to answer any questions ;-)

In Topic: 1993 1.8 GSR No RWC with extras, Brisbane QLD

18 March 2013 - 11:48 PM

Hi guys sorry been a bit off the grid lately just bought new car.

not a hell of a lot needed to finish.
exhaust needs to be fitted a new tdo4 dump pipe made to fit flange.

bonnet and boot to be attached properly.
steering wheel to be attached.
interior to go back in.

good question to ask if awd. this one is the one pictured isn't.
i can sell that one too and then everything can be swapped into GSR from it. as that was my main goal to swap everything good onto it.

i can sell a complete package with extra new parts and the gl shell included.
new heater core is also required