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Member Since 15 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 23 2012 06:55 AM

#227060 Jamo's Interior Bits Sale Gsr & Evo 1-3

Posted by FRANK-E on 19 March 2011 - 07:54 AM

Jamo, the good glovebox "b" without the scratch on it. Is it from a GSR or EVO? :)
Might be keen on it depending on answer.

just becareful rob ;) you know what i mean

#198818 evo drivetrain, wheels

Posted by FRANK-E on 25 May 2010 - 06:58 AM

gearbox buy any chance?

#194977 EOI: Once in a lifetime meet??

Posted by FRANK-E on 19 April 2010 - 10:01 PM

i think most NSW boys would be keen if we make it next year i think it gives ppl plenty of time to get there cars that arnt on the road time to get them up and running.wether it be in Sydney,QLD or VIC ill be interested.i personaly think it should be a 4GTUNER thing not jambo powercruise summernats event

im with todd on this one QLD has the best track and night life:thumbsup: but then its to far for the victorian dudes?

#194897 Mikeys Coupe

Posted by FRANK-E on 19 April 2010 - 06:25 AM

i know things have been hard man getting the car back on the road and if you need any help you only have to ask!

#194896 EVO00X - Evolved AWD Coupe

Posted by FRANK-E on 19 April 2010 - 06:21 AM

See the pic below for a good comparison.
I didnt waste my time on the bellhousing because its damaged and going to get replaced.
Bellhousing is degreased only, back half of box is degreased and Chemtech washed.
Degreasing does not get rid of the oxidisation and the surface is still rough and scaley. The Chemtech finish however has removed 90%+ oxidisation leaving a cleaner and smoother surface!
When the box is fully apart I'll retreat the casings a 2nd time with the Chemtech and polish the bitch up :)

PS: Mik-e, possession is 9/10ths of the law. If you left it at my house it's mine mutherfkr lol :lol: I was wondering where I got it from... thanks it's good shit! :)

wooooow shit that box came up awsome!!!!!thanks for coming around and spending time on my car on the wkend.your a top bloke:thumbsup:

#193963 2010 W.S.I.D. Rexnet V's "the Evo's" Shootout.. 3rd October 2010

Posted by FRANK-E on 12 April 2010 - 06:55 AM

yeh i did say i wanted to be on the list

my name was added on the rexnet

#193605 2010 W.S.I.D. Rexnet V's "the Evo's" Shootout.. 3rd October 2010

Posted by FRANK-E on 09 April 2010 - 04:44 AM

I dont think anyone on here is making 400kw atw anyway.
Maybe making it a "pump fuel only" event means there is no cheating and the potential to be making such high power levels for easy 10's or less on pump fuel is less likely.

awwww you fuckin girl what are you gunna test my fuel?

#184068 Paypal Dramas - Big Fk up.

Posted by FRANK-E on 25 January 2010 - 09:39 AM

I feel so freaken sorry for you rob $2600 is a fuk load of money to go missing, for little to no reasonalbe explaination....

yep it is chase
i really hope it gets sorted rob as i feal bad that i asked you to get all the stuff and this shit happens

#181136 2010 RVR

Posted by FRANK-E on 10 January 2010 - 11:03 AM

pfft looks crap give me a old style rvr any day!

naaaa it looks smik good family car

#179099 hi

Posted by FRANK-E on 31 December 2009 - 12:29 AM

oooooh no! not chase!!!! isnt your place on MLGA?:lol:

welcome dude this forums is top notch and you'll find out heaps from it:thumbsup: