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Member Since 28 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2021 12:42 PM

#339672 Wtb e123/gsr rear trailing arms/hubs

Posted by caged on 13 December 2017 - 01:08 AM

Cheers mate will give it a shot

#332335 stripping 320kw lancer gsr

Posted by caged on 11 August 2016 - 01:51 PM

I might still have his facebook and his workshop details if you want them?

#332224 Speed density

Posted by caged on 04 August 2016 - 06:09 AM

Don't weld the iat into the inlet manifold, they get bad heat soak. Put it in the cooler piping.

#331146 DIY intercooler/exhaust piping

Posted by caged on 29 June 2016 - 09:55 AM

Imo a 2.5" exhaust with straight through muffler and high flow cat isn't going to hold back a 4g93t with bolt on's.

#330874 single plate clutch

Posted by caged on 21 June 2016 - 12:14 PM

Sub $800

#329258 stripping 320kw lancer gsr

Posted by caged on 19 April 2016 - 03:09 AM

Yes I got a full refund within 6hrs after i reached out to a few mates in the industry down there who reached out to a few of their mates. Aparently he got alot of phone calls.

#328703 stripping 320kw lancer gsr

Posted by caged on 28 March 2016 - 11:10 AM

Iv got strung along for way to fucken long with false promises about the bank making mistakes, how he is not the kind of guy to rip any one off and the moneys definitely in the bank now. So how many people has he shafted? Comment below or pm and we can arrange something to happen. I dont mind investing some more coin..... im down $550 btw.

#327842 stripping 320kw lancer gsr

Posted by caged on 20 February 2016 - 10:11 PM

How did you go on the lip SWTGSR? The evo 2 lsd diff arived to me and was a 3.5 open centre gsr diff full of metal flakes. And the good condition tein coilovers were bent really bad. So im guessing who ever brought the evo 2 gearbox got a 3.5 std gsr gearbox.

Im not going down that way for a couple of months but if anyone lives close by and wants to earn some coin flick me a message. It was picked up from here----
Hitek automotive
3/9 peel street Eltham 3095 Melbourne Victoria

#325387 Gsr hack.

Posted by caged on 09 December 2015 - 11:15 AM

Yeah mate thats the one. You're not Hamish by any chance?

Been racking up 1000kms a week in the hack. Getting 9.5l to 100kms with about 80kms of that being hard runs through the hills. Surprised me lol.

#325214 Gsr hack.

Posted by caged on 03 December 2015 - 11:40 PM

Its 7 bolt rvr with 450cc injectors. Those are off a 34gtr and way to wide lol. But its going 5 stud and brembos soon.

#324986 Satria gti gt2871rs

Posted by caged on 28 November 2015 - 11:09 PM

So whats the comp, 10.5:1? Id still ram boost into it. You could go bigger cams and try loose some dynamic compression or if these have the paper thin 93 head gaskets then change to a thicker oem turbo gasket. Or even water meth or flex fuel for high boost. I wouldn't waste time porting the head or 5 angle vale jobs,boost is only a restriction. You may flow what you did at 13psi now at 10psi but at the end of the day that high comp motors still injesting the same air you may just feel better thinking the boosts lower.

#324974 Satria gti gt2871rs

Posted by caged on 28 November 2015 - 12:52 PM

Am i missing something here?? You run 13psi high boost and are talking about getting more flow through the head. See how it likes another 5psi first, maybe ramp it in after 4800rpm being a 93.

#324633 Td05h-20g turbo on stock block 4g93t

Posted by caged on 17 November 2015 - 05:12 AM

My stock block gsr had evo bolt ons, std gsr ecu and airflow meter with an safc 2 that i tuned on the road. Went 12.5@111. My hx35 built 93 went a bit over 315kw (trapped 127mph) and had an 8k limiter with kelford 272s and made no more power above 7250rpm.

Its all in the tune i bet i could get a std 93 to live fine with a gtx3076. Ramp in peak torque with low boost an timing and it'll make the numbers.

#324438 Gsr hack.

Posted by caged on 11 November 2015 - 01:21 PM

Cheers mate this should end up being a good budget built car. Ill be doing alot of "unconventional" mods that i know will work well but someone will still post up and say you can't do that.

#324314 Gsr hack.

Posted by caged on 08 November 2015 - 06:50 AM

Hahaha yeah id rather rock steelies.