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Member Since 30 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2011 02:08 AM

howdy doo!

05 May 2011 - 01:59 PM

Hello! fellow enthusiasts!

lol , just got fwd to your forums by a friend, heard good things, =)

a little about me, im new to owning a lancer ce2 gli coupe 2001. i have always loved Mitsubishi's, a sad day for me was back in the day on the way to school i would go past a dealership which had a bright yellow evo VIII, would always make me drool.
one day it was gone... =(. hated going to school after that lol.

umm i have been and still am a pc enthusuiast for quite a while now, i do drafting and IT work for an architectural firm in Rockhampton QLD.

Im getting married on the 2nd of july this year.

annnd yea thats about all im willing to share atm. haha