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Member Since 02 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2016 10:06 PM

In Topic: Wideband giving strange readings

01 January 2016 - 11:27 PM

Attached is a picture of a plug - they all look the same

In Topic: Wideband giving strange readings

01 January 2016 - 11:03 PM

Thanks for the replies. My wideband is an AEM UEGO gauge with the Bosch 4.9 LSU sensor. It is mounted in the exhaust at about 10 I clock to prevent moisture from killing the sensor. It was brand new when I fitted it about 6 months and 3000 miles ago and worked faultlessly until yesterday. I am inclined to believe the wideband at the moment until I get some more information I think. The only thing which I have doubts with about the sensor is after I installed it, I later realised that the top of the sensor and the wires coming out of it were pressed against the heat shield which could have caused damage to the wires - but since I sorted that out it has been fine for a couple of thousand miles.

I don't have any way of checking the fuel pressure other than measuring the flow to the fuel rail by measuring how much comes through in a fixed amount of time. It seems fine though. The fuel pump is the 4g93T GSR fuel pump and the ECU is standard. Are there any electrical tests I can do on the switching sensor in the turbo elbow? I was curious as to whether a resistance of 150Ohms between the harness connector (earth pin) and the battery earth was correct?

I have had to do some modifications and repairs to the engine harness so it is possible that I have made a mistake somewhere which has caused a problem to show after some time.