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Member Since 09 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 18 2013 09:50 PM

In Topic: CB Lancer GSR G4CP (4G63) swap info thread

24 July 2013 - 09:33 PM

Sweet as. Good info there. I saw the engines listed when you got yours. I was considering one of the 2.4 engines. But really how many do we need.

So how much better does it go?

Pretty good, the torque is much better so I don't have to wring its neck all the time (especially with rally tyres on). It does run out of breath earlier in the rev range than the 1.6 did but I think it has a bigger power band anyway. Just had to learn to change gears a bit earlier and it keeps on pulling. Definitely worth doing considering how easy the swap is, especially if you have a complete second hand motor with all the bits. You could knock it over in a day if you've spent a good amount of time in your engine bay before.

Any pics mate?

I didn't take any pics during the swap, but I might put some pictures of the finished car in the member's rides section