EVo and Clutz,Bazeng
This guy was so bad that after all what happened and when I was driving back and the car started smoking from the bonnett area on kings way I had to get it towed to my house and when I was calling him he didnot pick up my calls. Then after a few days I tried from a private number and he picked up and then started giving all excuses. He then got my car towed to his garage and after a week and a half said it was ready to pick up. When I went to pick it up he asked me to go for a test drive. By the time me and my friend got back to the shop to tell him the same problem is happening again he shut shop and did a runner.
I have already gone to the consumer affairs. they could not get in touch with him as his phones are all disconnected. they have advised me to go to vcat. which I am seriously thinking off.
The thing is I donot have a car and it is causing so much pain to move around. So I was thinking I will get it fixed and then the case will keep going on.
Any idea where this springy motors is Bazeng.
Please help me guys.
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Member Since 17 Apr 2011Offline Last Active Apr 20 2011 04:43 PM