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Member Since 17 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2011 04:43 PM

Mechanic suggestion for my Mitsubishi GTO

17 April 2011 - 06:15 PM

Hi guys can someone help me out. I had taken my GTO to a mechanic shop called as MTEK in Airport West, Melbourne. He had my car there for nearly two months and charged me more than double the price he quoted. I went in for 100,000 km service and this guy ripped out my heads, did some other work in the bottom end of the car. When I went o pick it up finally after almost two months gives me the bill and tells me all this stuff needed to be done otherwise I would have a serious problem. After all that my car broke down on the way back from the mechanic shop the same evening. He never answered my calls. My car has been sitting in my garage from the past couple of months and it saddens me everyday looking at it.
Can someone please suggest me a nice mechanic in Melbourne area. I seriously want my car fixed. And please I suggest no one to go to this mechanic shop called MTEK they are the biggest cheats and I guarantee that justice will be done.