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Member Since 21 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2014 03:34 PM


02 January 2014 - 03:35 PM

Hi guys can someone confirm what are the axel oil seals part numbers *both right and left * this is where the axel goes into the gearbox ....

In Topic: Advice on offset's and rims for autocross events

13 October 2013 - 12:38 PM

Hmmm thanks

In Topic: TD05 16g on 4G93T

03 September 2013 - 02:13 AM

I did the TD05 swap a few years ago on my gsr. Stock engine btw. Stock ecu

Some important things as already mentioned by the other tuners such as

1. Porting the manifold (GSR )remove the little ring that's there on the manifold. ( I think it's called a fire ring not sure)
2. You need the oil lines customized for the turbo. ( i never connected the water lines and turbo was fine ).
3. Upgrade injectors to evo 3 (510cc).
4. Dump pipe doesn't line up with the gsr exhaust so some customizing there as well ( stock gsr exhaust piping can work no need to upgrade )
5. AFM upgrade to E3
6. Increase fuel pressure depending on your management or piggy back ecu ( I ran a safc neo ,made 200hp and 200tq at 14psi)
7. Oil filter relocator. Or slim filter since the dump pipe is ridiculously close to the filter.

Please note the heat generated by the TD05 turbo dump will damage the air condition compressor in a few months. Since its very close to the compressor. Take out the compressor if you don't use the air con .

Good luck. It's a cheap upgrade but don't push the 93t too much the connecting rods are very weak. Stay below 15psi.