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Member Since 24 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2011 12:28 PM

4G15 DOHC engine upgrade

24 April 2011 - 08:31 PM

Hi sirs/ma'ams. Good day. This would be my first post in 4Gtuner.com, I saw this website on a Hot 4s & performance car magazine. Good thing I bought that issue identifying the different forums for my Lancer. I have a Lancer 1997 model EL (4g13) engine, and i have just purchase myself a 4g15 DOHC engine (surplus) to replace my stock engine. I was just wondering, what do i have to do (additional upgrade) to make my new engine powerful in the track. Internal engine upgrade will be more appreciated since the engine is still for installation. But there is a budget restriction in my end, and i don't want to show off my upgrades that's why I opted for an Internal engine upgrade. Thanks in advance sirs/ma'am. Have a great week ahead and am looking forward for your replies. :rolleyes: