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Member Since 25 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2015 08:27 PM

master cylinder upgrade

22 June 2015 - 08:14 AM

so I want to put a 1-1/16" / 27mm brake master cylinder on the VR4 rally car to try and get a firmer peddle with less travel.

In the US seems a common thing they do, using a variety of  cylinders form other cars/makes. what do we have here that will bolt on?

anybody done this? results?




Rally VR4 gearbox issue

06 June 2015 - 10:28 PM

Hi all

I run a VR4 RS gravel rally car and after an "excursion" into the scenery (hit a stump on the rh front ,bent control arm, tie rod etc) the gearbox that was perfect before now jumps out of reverse with the slightest load. checked all cables, bushs  linkages etc all good feels to engage fully at the selectors, was told by an experienced vr4 gearbox man that the reverse idler lever will bend if "punished"  pulled gearbox down and all looks ok nothing bent, broken seems to engage reverse ok? any ideas guys? was perfect before crash?



Robert Burke