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Member Since 29 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2013 04:24 AM

Perth Underground Magazine's Official Launch Event

15 June 2012 - 06:03 AM

Copied from Facebook...

Perth Underground Magazine's Official Launch Event at Claremont Showground On the 17th of June.
Gate 1 Corner of Shenton and Graylands rd


First Batch of the magazine will be available here! So be first in and you won't miss out!

Riot Class Dj's
Promo Girls
150 car Show n' Shine
Heaps of trade booths offering event specials

Entry only $10
Entry w/ Magazine $15 magazine normal price $7.95

JDMWA#3 - Photoshoot Meet/Cruise

21 October 2011 - 04:46 PM

JDMWA#3 - Photoshoot Meet/Cruise
This Sunday 23 October 12:00 - 16:00
Karrinyup Shopping Centre Upstairs Carpark - Karrinyup Road, Karrinyup.

I'll be there with several cars including something with a 4GXX in it... ;)

My 4G63 powered Beast!

18 July 2011 - 03:14 PM

You may have already seen it in my 'My Toyz' thread on here, but here it is up close and personal...

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It's got the 12 valve DASH 4G63 SOHC motor in it, which is SO much better than any of the Australian delivered Starions.
Just to give you an idea in case you don't know, Aussie Starions were designated either JA, JB or JD, and all had the 8 valve SOHC 4G63 in them.
JA is 125kw stock
JB is 125kw stock, but more efficient, reliable and better looking.
JD is 110kw stock, which is pretty pathetic, but they look the nicest.
The GSR-V model looks like a JD, but has 147kw stock! It also 5 stud wheel hubs, which makes finding wheels MUCH easier!

It's currently For Sale as I have too many cars. :(