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Member Since 03 May 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2014 08:14 AM

Rvr not cranking...

23 February 2014 - 02:12 PM

Hey guys,


Had my engine put in together with a known working deep cycle battery.


I'm trying to start up the car first time, its not cranking and just a small click sound when the key is turned.


I have attached a vid... Could it be the starter?


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Studs, nuts & bolts.

09 February 2014 - 10:54 AM

Can some one pls advise me of the correct turbo studs and correct bolts to cap off the holes on top of the exhaust manifold. These are for the evo 7 TD05-16G turbo & exhaust manifold. The current studs on the turbo has stripped threads.









Transport vehicle from Brisbane and compliance.

07 February 2014 - 05:58 PM

Hi Guys,


Does anyone where to start getting a vehicle transport from the East to WA. Is there a transport company you guys can recommend and rough figure on the cost?


I would need to get the vehicle register in WA. I believe the vehicle need to go thru the pit to be rego and what difficulty would I encounter?


Also I think WA and Eastern states would have it own transfer form, do we "the buyer and seller" fill out the WA transfer form?


I just want to ensure things are done legally transferred thru the correct party. Please advise if i'm missing out something here.




Firing order

02 February 2014 - 11:15 AM

Can some one please confirm the attached is the correct firing order? The coil pack has the following number engraved 4-1-2-3. Thanks.





Cam shafts for Rvr x3

25 January 2014 - 04:32 AM

Im trying my luck here with my rvr x3 it has the evo5-6 engine. I'm about to drop in a set of 268/268 cams with stock retainers/springs, cam gears remains the same and run on stock ecu.

Would the above cams kill the car without a tune?

The car has the basic mods:
Stock td04 turbo (waiting to bolt on an evo 7 turbo and 2.5 exhaust)
2 inch exhaust
Hks rs intake and pod filter
Evo 8 bov
Pwr w2a setup
