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Member Since 06 May 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2012 05:56 AM

In Topic: Show us your pic's thread.

07 June 2011 - 05:44 AM

Just a quick question and Ill post up a few Ive got, what is HDR photography and how is it done? Ive heard of it before before but never explored that avenue?

Hdr is one photo made up of 2 or more photos with different exposures.

this guy helped me out ages ago! Maybe he can help you too! B)

In Topic: Show us your pic's thread.

05 June 2011 - 05:17 AM

Some real talent in this tread! Here are some of my photos. All taken with basic equipment. A nikon d40 and various low budget lenses.

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In Topic: Brake light issues

27 May 2011 - 04:15 AM

thanks for the info guys. But the brake light issue just became very unimportant. My spark plugs are now swimming in oil <_<

In Topic: Brake light issues

25 May 2011 - 02:23 AM

check the bulb is fitted propery, if its a dual fillament bulb it has two contacts at the end. if it isant screwed in properly both contacts touch and when you aply the brake all the electricity takes the path of least resistance (ususally the brake light) depending on how it is fitted. this will cause your problem and is very easy to check.

gave that a try and i still have the issue :(

In Topic: Convert a glxi to twin cam

10 May 2011 - 02:40 AM

I should have added the fact that i am in Jamaica, so no Proton's here. Will do some looking around for lancers or colts being scrapped. thanks for the info B)