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Member Since 06 May 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2012 05:56 AM

Brake light issues

24 May 2011 - 03:24 PM

Hi guys. My 98 lancer has a brake light issue that i have no clue how to fix. When i step on the brakes all the lights work as they should. If the park or drive lights are on, and i step on the brake, the left rear light goes out. I've changed the bulb and this hasnt solved anything. A little advice on the subject would be nice Please and thanks!

Hello from Jamaica

06 May 2011 - 04:06 AM

Hi guys! My name is Justin and i'm from Kingston Jamaica. I have been a mitsu enthusiast for ages, but im only 18 :lol: I drive a 98 lancer glxi. 4g92 sohc with a 5 speed. Looking forward to becoming part of the community. Here are two photos of my car.

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