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Member Since 10 May 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2020 03:10 AM

In Topic: Forged 4g93t pistons and rods what to use??????????

11 April 2013 - 03:01 AM

Yer I'm not worried about price I'm going CP pistons.
I was hoping Carrillo rods but that's if I can get them to fit.
I'll look into the rod sizes you have all given me thanks guys

In Topic: Forged 4g93t pistons and rods what to use??????????

10 April 2013 - 10:14 PM

Hey caged what Mazda rods did you use? And these obviously have the 20mm gudgen pin?
Not keen on those spool rods but if I have to use them I will prefer eagle or carrillo,
Just not keen on squeezing over 30psi through a gtx 3076 on those spool ones

In Topic: Forged 4g93t pistons and rods what to use??????????

09 April 2013 - 11:29 AM

and thanks ill go see the guys at mitsi with my vin number and see what they can find

In Topic: Forged 4g93t pistons and rods what to use??????????

09 April 2013 - 11:28 AM

yer i read ca rods 4agze pistons aparantly you can make them fit but id like to see if anyone has done this yet

In Topic: 4g93t oil pressure

16 December 2012 - 09:14 AM

mine was low at idle around 10 psi,
new pump and i get around 60 at idle cold,
drops back to about 40 hot