hi guys i recently met rodney and lost my bottom end due to a stupid mistake.
it was forged but looking at options for rods n pistons for another bottom end car makes 400kw on 32psi of boost and e85 so it would have to be good ive been told cp pistons carillo rods
ive also heard ca18det rods with 4agze pistons but has anyone actually done this and how hard is it.
i also had dramas with head gasket previously apparantly mistu do a genuine mls steel ones? has anyone used these?
the new block is tapped for half inch head studs and using arp mains with acl bearings nitrated crank just stuck on rods n pistons, the last problem arrised due to over boost on the petrol tune and snapped the gudgeon pin out of the pistons it had par rods and arias pistons.
any and all help is much aprreciated
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