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Member Since 12 May 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 31 2017 11:14 PM

Clarion Head unit Installation Issues

24 July 2011 - 10:54 AM

Hey guys.
So today i installed a Clarion VX400A DVD head unit in my EVO 8 MR.
I had some issues with the installation as the normal head unit power constant power wire was not generating enough power to run the dvd on constant power.
So i tapped into the ignition wires.
After i finished the installation my car would not start.
At first i thought it was one of the wires i had tapped into that was causing it not to start.
But after jump starting the car i realised this was not the case.
After going for a quick drive i realised that my central locking was not working on my key and all the doors now require manual locking.
Also the clock in the centre console is no longer working.
I think that after disconnecting the battery terminals for the installation it has effected the central locking.
The clock not working is my fault as i have not connected it to a power after cutting the original plug for the stock head unit for the new Clarion.

While we are on the topic of the installation, i am looking for a way to bypass the hand-break connection.
The new head units these days don't allow a simple ground of this wire anymore, instead this cable requires a pulse.

With my old car i connected it through the antenna, which allowed you to access the video while driving after pressing the the fm button and back to the dvd.

All feedback is much appreciated, would like to sort this central locking issue and clock issue out ASAP.



Mounting Gauge Options

13 July 2011 - 11:26 AM

Hey everyone.
Looking into mounting either a single gauge or a double 60mm in size.
So i have been investigating some of the various options that are currently floating around that will fit cleanly in a EVO CT9A.
Which means no drilling into the dash for wiring and built for easy installation.

Would love feed back from people who have had experience with these products or are currently using these options.

Option 1: ATI EVO Gauge Pod Steering Coluum
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This one seems good as it's noticeable from outside of the vehicle and it's easy to view when driving.
The only issues i have with this one is if using 60mm gauges that it will block the other gauges on the dash.

Option 2: SLASH ONE WAY Single Pod
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This one looks smart. Not a huge fan of the carbon but not a big issue.
The main problem with this gauge holder is it blocks the tweeter that is embedded in the side A frame pillar.
This now creates a consideration for the die hard music fans like my self that likes to listen to music loud

Option 3: Autometer Dual Pillar
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This A frame pillar fits two 60mm gauges and replaces the original A frame plastic insert.
The pillar also has a hole for the twitter and you can insert the hole plastic insert from the original plastic insert.
I would be happy to use this pillar as the pillar comes painted and matches the interior of the car.
My only issue is my car build is for everyday use and i have heard that A frame mount pillars are illegal as they can break concentration when viewing the road.
And also the gauges site high which can become an issue if you are in an accident.
I'm not 100% sure on the regulations for mounting gauges so i would like someone to clarify the laws when mounting gauges specific A frames.

All feedback is valuable and if you have links as to wear to buy the products that helps to.


Replacement High Beam Bulbs (CT9A)

31 May 2011 - 01:04 PM

Hey Guys

So i've been looking at changing up my bulbs in my EVO 8 MR.
And i've been wanting to make the High Beams match the xennon 6000k HID low beams i have.
Phillips dont make a Halogen globe up to 6000k.
So im wondering has anyone found a company that are selling Halogen globes up to 6000k.

All comments welcome...

Street Legal High Power Exhaust???

27 May 2011 - 06:00 AM

So one of the big problems that we are all faced with when building these monsters and driving them on a day to day basis is...
You want power but yet you don't want attention from the Po Po so what do you do???
I'm currently investigating some exhaust options for my 2004 Evolution MR.

My last car was a 2002 WRX and having learnt from that, you can't simply run a straight through 3 inch exhaust with a cannon on the back.
Great for power, but when your getting EPA'd twice a month, you know it's getting ridiculous.

So i've been doing some research on some quiet exhaust options that will also give good power and flow, here they are...

HKS Silent Hi-Power
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Apexi Noir
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So to set some rules for this post, i'm trying to find a legal exhaust that will give me good flow, whilst staying under 90db or close to.


27 May 2011 - 05:34 AM

Hey Guys.
I'm new to this forum as i used to own a 02 Subaru WRX, and since then sold the car and have recently imported over my new pride and joy Evolution 8 MR from japan.
To give you guys some details of my past car.
The standard WRX gearbox is pretty bad, and i wanted to push more power out of the car then it could handle.
Long story short after a gearbox rebuild i still had issues, so i sold it.

I decided the EVO was something new and could deliver much more out of a package and performance than what the subaru could.
So i paid a broker to find a specific car and the colour i wanted.

And here it is...

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List of mods so far.

Full Damd Bodykit
Vielside Spoiler
19 Inch Rays Volk Racing GT-V Rims
Xennon Low beam HID lights
HKS Turbo Timer

I have a lot of plans for this car, but having caught by the EPA several times with my WRX, this build will be stealth.
Current plans for the car are.

New stereo
Apexi Noir 3 inch exhaust or HKS High Power Silent
HKS Type R Intercooler
GFB Deceptor Pro BOV

So i'm new to this forum, hope you guys like the car, and will be asking you a lot of questions as the build starts.
